How to Deploy Microservices in a Hybrid, Multi-cloud Environment

How to Deploy Microservices in a Hybrid, Multicloud Environment

Discover key strategies for deploying microservices in a hybrid, multi-cloud environment to enhance scalability, flexibility, and operational efficiency.

Voice User Interface

Exploring Voice User Interface (VUIs)

Voice user interface (VUI) is one of the key design trends in 2022. VUI is used for allowing the users to interact with the system through voice…

API Authentication & Authorization using Passport.js

Get to know a great way of securing your angular applications and protecting your APIs by leveraging Passport.js. Read on to know more.

Witness Minutes of Angular Clarity!

The benefit of working with a design system like Clarity is that it adds a consistent modern user experience for your application or website, freeing up time for your team to focus on other complexities of the application.

Angular, React or Vue: Which framework or library to choose for your next UI development project?

Are you starting a new project and confused about choosing a Javascript framework? This blog will surely help you to make the decision.

Front-end web development has 3 parts HTML, CSS and Javascript for website or web-application that the users see them in their browser.

Generating Business Value Through Good UX

“Good design is good business,” declared Thomas J Watson, the second president of IBM, in a 1973 lecture to Wharton students. He further said that “We are convinced that good design can materially help make a good product reach its full potential.”
Barriers in software development have lowered considerably compared to the past and most competitors now offer

REST API Security – Best Practices

Software industry has been undergoing change at a rapid pace for quite some time now and so are the ways to design, develop, deploy and support software applications. From large mainframe systems to microservice architectures, the industry sure has travelled a long journey (or rather still continues to do so). And in the process, software design

Key UX Design Trends for 2017

Companies have now started realizing the value of keeping their users happy. Right from a startup to fortune companies have shown attention towards user experience and interface recently. I believe “User Experience” is not a rocket science to understand and implement, if you thoroughly understand your user’s expectations.

Highlights of VMworld 2016

VMware is forming the eventual fate of virtualization across the globe as it is about to host world’s biggest event “VMworld – 2016”. VMworld has always excited its attendees/ sponsors/ exhibitors with its new agenda and insights on cutting edge technology. This year the event will be focused on …

Why User Experience is So Important?

Nowadays industry is giving a lot more importance to User Experience (UX) to keep their users happy. Everybody, right from the business decision makers, marketing to product managers are focusing on an easy, intuitive and interactive User Interface (UI). It has become a De-facto in product