An Introduction to DevSecOps

With DevSecOps, we can witness a sudden shift in the software development landscape—that of ‘shifting security left’ and making it seamlessly aligned with the development process itself to boost innovation, but securely.

VMware’s Unified Hybrid Cloud – The Star of the Show at VMworld

Those attending VMworld in San Francisco in the summer this year could not escape mention of the “Unified Hybrid Cloud” and the stories seem to have now…

Storage Efficiency Calculators

The storage efficiency calculators enable you to precisely calculate your data footprint while stating how much reduction is possible. These tools give out results of Capacity requirements,…

Security Holes – Part 1

Technically, ‘Vulnerability’ is a cyber-security term that refers to a flaw in a system that can leave it open to attacks. In terms of computing, a resource…

Virtual Machine Archival APIs

Introduction of Virtual Machines (VMs) has wiped out the mandatory cap on the rate at which the server trail grew. However this led to the problem of…